In this section we will look at the process of converting an analog signal to be digitally
transmitted into a digital format.
To transmit digitally we only have a discrete set of symbols that can be sent at a fixed
rate. Hence before we can send the signal we need to quantize it in time and amplitude.
A process of achieving this quantization is PCM.
A general criterion is that the digitally modulated transmitted signal can be demodulated
and converted back into an analog form with a tolerable amount of distortion. Generally
the specification of“tolerable” is very subjective.For example consider voice quality
requirements of a wireless phone.
Given distortion tolerance, the objective is generally to optimize the encoding such that a
minimum bit rate is consumed with the application.
transmitted into a digital format.
To transmit digitally we only have a discrete set of symbols that can be sent at a fixed
rate. Hence before we can send the signal we need to quantize it in time and amplitude.
A process of achieving this quantization is PCM.
A general criterion is that the digitally modulated transmitted signal can be demodulated
and converted back into an analog form with a tolerable amount of distortion. Generally
the specification of“tolerable” is very subjective.For example consider voice quality
requirements of a wireless phone.
Given distortion tolerance, the objective is generally to optimize the encoding such that a
minimum bit rate is consumed with the application.
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