1. GAIN STABILITY The negative feedback amplifier increases the Gain Stability. ie; The gain will be stable over external or internal variations. 2. NOISE REDUCTION It is impossible to construct an Amplifier without NOISE. By using Negative Feedback amplifier we can reduce the Noise. 3. REDUCTION IN NONLINEAR DISTORTION By the increase in Number of Amplifier stages, Nonlinear Distortion also increases Gradually. 4. BANDWIDTH CAN BE INCREASED Negative Feedback Amplifier Decreases the Voltage Gain, the reduction in voltage gain results improved Frequency Band Width. 5. INCREASE IN INPUT IMPEDANCE The amplifier with Negative feedback Increases the Input impudence. Thus we can avoid loading of signal source. 6. DECREASE IN OUTPUT IMPEDANCE The amplifier with Negative feedback Reduces the output Impedance.
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