Before knowing about, winding factor , we should know about pitch factor and distribution factor , as winding factor is the product of pitch factor and distribution factor . If winding factor is denoted by K w , pitch factor and distribution factor are denoted by K p and K d respectively, then, k w = k p k d . The pitch factor and distribution factor are explained below one by one. Pitch Factor In short pitched coil, the induced emf of two coil sides is vectorically added to get, resultant emf of the coil. In short pitched coil, the phase angle between the emfs induced in two opposite coil sides is less than 180° (electrical). But we known that, in full pitched coil, the phase angle between the emfs induced in two coil sides is exactly 180° (electrical). Hence, the resultant emf of a full pitched coil is just arithmetic sum of the emfs induced in both sides of the coil. We well know that, vector sum or phasor sum of two quantities, is always less than their a...
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