What are the conditions when the poly phase (here three phase) induction machine will behave as an induction generator? The following are conditions when the induction machine will behave as an induction generator are written below: (a) Slip becomes negative due to this the rotor current and rotor emf attains negative value. (b) The prime mover torque becomes opposite to electric torque. Now let us discuss how we can achieve these conditions. Suppose that an induction machine is coupled with the prime mover whose speed can be controlled. If the speed of the prime mover is increased such that the slip becomes negative (i.e. speed of the prime mover becomes greater than the synchronous speed).Due to this, all the conditions that we have mentioned above will become fulfilled and machine will behave like an induction generator. Now if the speed of the prime mover is further increased such that it exceeds the negative maximum value of the torque produced then the generati...
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