Every rotating electrical machine works based on Faraday’s law. Every electrical machine requires a magnetic field and a coil (Known as armature) with a relative motion between them. In case of an alternator , we supply electricity to pole to produce magnetic field and output power is taken from the armature. Due to relative motion between field and armature, the conductor of armatures cut the flux of magnetic field and hence there would be changing flux linkage with these armature conductor. According to Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction there would be an emf induced in the armature. Thus, as soon as the load is connected with armature terminals, there is an current flowing in the armature coil. As soon as current starts flowing through the armature conductor there is one reverse effect of this current on the main field flux of the alternator (or synchronous generator). This reverse effect is referred as armature reaction in alternator or synchronous generator . We a...
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