Introduction to IC: -Miniature, low-cost electronics circuits whose components are fabricated on a single, continuous piece of semiconductor material to perform a high-level function. -Usually referred to as a monolithic IC. -First introduced in 1958 -Categorized as digital or linear ICs or according to the level of complexity of the IC Category Number of Gates: Small scale integration SSI (<12) Medium scale integration MSI (12 to 99) Large scale integration LSI (100 to 9999) Very large scale integration VLSI (10,000 or more) Classifications of IC logic families: Digital ICs are classified not only by their logic operation, but also by the specific logic-circuit family to which they belong. Each logic family has its own basic electronic circuit upon which more complex digital circuits and functions are developed. The main families are: TTL(Transistor-Transistor Logic), made of bipolar transistors. CMOS(Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) made from MOSFETs ...
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