Electrical Power Factor In general power is the capacity to do work. In electrical domain, electrical power is the amount of electrical energy that can be transferred to some other form (heat, light etc) per unit time. Mathematically it is the product of voltage drop across the element and current flowing through it. Considering first the DC circuits, having only DC voltage sources , the inductors and capacitors behave as short circuit and open circuit respectively in steady state. Hence the entire circuit behaves as resistive circuit and the entire electrical power is dissipated in the form of heat. Here the voltage and current are in same phase and the total electrical power is given by Electrical power = Voltage across the element X Current through the element. Its unit is Watt = Joule/sec. Now coming to AC circuits, here both inductor and capacitor offer certain amount of impedance given by, The inductor stores electrical energy in the form of...
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