Historical review
•Early history of communication
•1799 Alessandro Volta invented electric battery,
•1837 Samuel Morse demonstrated telegraph and 1844 first telegraph line (Washington-Baltimore) became operational
•Early history of wireless communication
•1831 Faraday demonstrates electromagnetic induction
•J. Maxwell (1831-79): theory of electromagnetic Fields, wave equations (1864)
•H. Hertz (1857-94): demonstrates with an experiment the wave character of electrical transmission through space(1888, in Karlsruhe,Germany, at the location of today’s University of Karlsruhe)
•1837 Samuel Morse demonstrated telegraph and 1844 first telegraph line (Washington-Baltimore) became operational
•Early history of wireless communication
•1831 Faraday demonstrates electromagnetic induction
•J. Maxwell (1831-79): theory of electromagnetic Fields, wave equations (1864)
•H. Hertz (1857-94): demonstrates with an experiment the wave character of electrical transmission through space(1888, in Karlsruhe,Germany, at the location of today’s University of Karlsruhe)
Historical review
- Early history of wireless communication I
- 1895 Guglielmo Marcon
- first demonstration of wireless telegraphy (digital!)
- long wave transmission, high transmission power necessary (> 200kw)
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